AN EASTER MIRACLE | An Adventure Post

April 02, 2013  •  3 Comments

What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

And this is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life. ~1 John 2:25

This past Sunday I witnessed what I considered an Easter miracle. Growing up in a Christian home, I've always celebrated Easter as the resurrection of our Lord. Of course, we're always bombarded with all the other "things" that come along with Easter (Easter eggs, bunnies, colorful outfits, and of course marshmellow peeps) that distract people from the true reason why Easter is celebrated. I know when I was younger I enjoyed all of those things and looked forward to them, but its neat how when you grow older as a Christian, Easter means and matters more to you each year than it did before.

This Saturday before Easter, I remember looking at the weather forecast and feeling kind of bummed that it was calling for rain on Easter, since I always picture Easter as being a bright and exciting day with the pretty new spring flowers a blooming. Easter morning I woke up hearing the rain outside my window and could tell it looked overcast, so I just prepared for another normal wet day. As I was driving to church, I was glad to see it looked like the sun was trying to peek its way around the rain clouds as the rain was clearing up. Then just right before I got to my parents neighborhood to pick up my mom, I noticed a beautiful rainbow forming in front of me! And I wasn't the only one on the road who pulled out their camera phone to take a picture of the beautiful Easter morning rainbow! I thought it was pretty neat to be able to see a pretty rainbow on my way to church on Easter Sunday as a reminder of God's Promise that Jesus has Risen - but God wasn't done showing off yet!

After church, my family went to my grandma's house in Bowman like we normally do. However it was a little different this year as it was the first Easter without my Pappy. While we were driving the long farmland roads into Bowman, I saw a bunch of green, yellow, and red blooming colors in the fields and I was salivating wanting to get some pictures of them. We passed by one particular bright red field not too far from my Nanny's house that I planned on coming back to it later in the day to get some shots of.

When I was getting into nature photography, I heard someone once say that a good nature photographer naturally is a good weatherman. I'm beginning to see this as being true! I catch myself a lot watching the weather patterns and knowing when a good opportunity arises for a neat photograph.

Around 6:30 PM while we were out in my grandma's yard enjoying the day, I heard a thunder rumble in the distance as I noticed it was getting pretty overcast. I looked toward the noise of the thunder and saw the pack of clouds looked grey and yellow behind the low sun. Right then I knew it was perfect conditions for a rainbow! Already thinking of the red field, I jumped in the car and drove off towards the field. Sure enough as I was driving, I saw a bright rainbow forming in my rear view mirror! By then I was driving through the small rain storm. I quickly came up to the field and pulled off the road, quickly jumped out, grabbed my camera and ran off into the field (in the light rain....who knows what people driving by could have been thinking of the wild man running through the field!). When I got to a good spot amongst the field of red weeds, I looked up and noticed not only was it a rainbow, it was a double rainbow that was forming! I anxiously wiped my camera dry and began snapping away as many pictures from the beautiful scene as I could! As a photographer, this was a moment we dream of! But as I was standing there in the light rain with the amazing double rainbow arching over the brilliant red field, it also dawned on me that this was an Easter miracle to witness two (or three!) beautiful rainbows as God's Promise to us on Resurrection Sunday! I was encouraged knowing my Lord has a plan for those who believe and trust in Him and that He forever loves us! Also at that moment in the field near my Pappy's farm, I thought what a celebration he must be having in Heaven that Easter day!

I hope you are encouraged to continue to live in the hope of Jesus, and enjoy the upcoming springtime weather! Also, if you're a photographer, remember to always have your camera on you! You never know when you might need it! Below are a series of shots that I took while I witnessed the double rainbow and sunset in the red flower covered field. Also at the end, I included some pictures from my grandparent's house I got that day. You can view all of my Bowman, SC pictures or purchase any of them here:



One of my favorites...Just awesome! Easter Miracle


The Field of Red
Shed for You and Me


God's Promise


Easter Miracle


Written In Red




Sunset of Red


Awesome Wonder


Check out the photographer's shadow!

Capturing the Moment


Field Photographer


Field of Wonder


Red Sea


Easter Colors


Sea of Red


In the Sea of Red


Red Sorrel Field


Easter Pasture


Tree of Life


Above All


Field of Red


Easter Sunset


Bowman Sunset


Sundown on the Farm


Quiet Sunset


Burst of Dawn


Easter Sunset


Waves of Night


As you can tell, I was a happy (and wet) photographer!



Here are some more pictures that I got around Bowman and my grandparent's house Easter Sunday...

Buck Branch

Reaping a Harvest

Signs of Spring


Old Ford Truck in my Pappy's yard...

Fixer Upper

Ol' Ford

Ford Tough

In The Rearview

Into The Woods

Bowman Tractor


chilehead craig(non-registered)
Really inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
Robin Grant(non-registered)
Incredible! Thanks for sharing these with us!
Jessica Hunt(non-registered)
Great images, Seth!
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